
MITM #173

Think big, then double it. Let that sink in… Good? Ya see, to think big; bigger even than what was once thought of as “big”, then you gotta BE big. That’s right, to think big, ya gotta BE BIG! Its a big deal, I know, some may say huge deal, but being big, thinking big, hell staying big, is just that: BIG. So are you up for the challenge big boy? Are willing to be B-I-G BIG? Can you handle the pressure of being that big, bigger than most and larger than many… Big? Well if you answered yes, then your one step away from what just may be the biggest leap you can make in a life toward reaching optimal bigness. God Speed Biggy, God Speed…

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MITM #172

While the Turkey Cold continues to dominate the publics attention, Mike instead concerns himself with gaining full control of the Mayflower by holding 51% of its shares. Nested in an empty water park in Wisconsin Dells, Mike abruptly cancels the investors gala and instead holes up with TDC in a penthouse overlooking Lake Delvin. Spending his days tasting copious amounts of gravy and turkey fixings, while gaining an unhealthy amount of weight, Mike begins to show signs of a turkey induced mental and physical lapse.

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MITM #171

The 24/7 turkey restaurant, now christened The Mayflower, continues to encounter issues regarding a exclusive poultry deal from Czechoslovakia. In particular, it has come to the public’s attention that all turkeys acquired from the deal have contracted a mysterious “Turkey Cold”. In an effort to calm the nerves of both the investors and greater poultry loving fan base on the planned grand opening, Maniac Mike sits down with Tarragon News Association (TNA) lead investigative turkey reporter Xander Goose to explain his rational on the matter.

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MITM #170

What started out as simply two buddies getting together to play good old fashioned rock and roll, the band called Tryptophan has steadily moved from a regional powerhouse to an all out national mega phenomenon. Richard and Boot sit down to tell their story of how they met, what drives their turkey-fueled rock, and why they choose the name Tryptophan so many years ago.

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MITM #169

With the Czech Turkey Cold becoming a reality, Mike is plagued with the task of reassuring his investors that the Mayflower 24/7 Turkey restaurant will still be able to open on time and with plenty of birds to feed the demand. However, growing concern over the disease and a newly issued embargo on the importing of all Czech turkeys continues to cause panic within the greater poultry marketplace. Trying to prove his point that the Turkey Cold should not be of a concern. Mike resorts to the unthinkable…

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MITM #168

Maniac Mike, the self proclaimed turkey czar, increases his turkey hold upon the greater turkey market with his brash turkey fueled speech and unrelenting turkey swagger, all the while downplaying the increasing threat of a turkey cold currently plaguing his turkey stockpile. Turkey.

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MITM #167

In the cruel and grandiose world of Big Poultry a new king reigns supreme. After securing major deals with such conglomerates including Stuffing INC and the Grater Cranberry Corp, Mike and TDC finally solidify a exclusive Turkey partnership, both securing their stranglehold on the market and silencing their investors and thus making good on their promise of once agin putting: Turkey On The Table.

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MITM #166

When I was a young girl growing up in Michigan I always dreamt of one day being a flower. I’m not fooling. I would yearn for the day of one day morphing into a big beautiful sun flower. Filled with hundreds of thousands of seeds, swaying to and fro in the wind, the sun on my petals and my roots firmly gripped in the cool welcoming soil. I would walk among the flowers, smelling them, touching them, feeling them… it was as if being with them helped me become them. I needed help then, and I still need help now.

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MITM #165

Touchdown Charley stops by to chat about his forthcoming book the science-fiction erotic thriller The Iyes of Okanikas. Charley discusses with Bob what inspires his writing, how he approaches each book as a journey toward deeper enlightenment, and how he is able to contextualize and emphasize with humanity via his prose. In such a strange and uncertain world the comfort and honesty from such a voice warms the soul like a well tailored blanket.

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MITM #164

Join brutters Bill and Brim Stark as dey anzer all your ‘ome emprovement guestions and guandaries. Such tapics include: Hawe to successfully melt dawn your paperclips to creet an adequate adhesive, hawe to securely fasten dawn a wheather mane using da “Tool of da Week”: dey bungee cord, combating odors due to ratting animal carcasses, and da best way to build yourself a beautiful ‘omemade TV stand using old wood. Tule Tame.

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MITM #163

Provided with so much time on ones hands in recent weeks, the ability to sit and ponder certain subjects is at an all time high. Join the “Monsters” as they discuss such things as puzzles, pools, and the fasanating and unespected history of the railroads. With so many options for entertainment, we are happy you have chosen us to listen to, we appreciate the many letters and gift baskets, and look forward to many more years of giving you the fun audio programs you so desire and deserve. God bless you, and God bless the Chicago Bears.

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MITM #162

Zoom meetings are hard. Technology is hard. The world wide web is hard. Sitting at home all day is hard. Looking at yourself in the mirror and documenting how much weight you have gained is hard. Washing your hands more than once a day is hard. Wearing a mask when it’s not October is hard. Using your bath mat as substitute toilet tissue is hard. Eating 5-6 full meals a day even when you’re not hungry is hard. Shaving your larger than normal face is hard. Missing family and friends is hard. Wiping down all mail and packages with a random wet rag is hard. Eating 5 course dinners with elaborate ingredients is hard. Consuming exotic breads is hard. Sitting for long stretches of time while searching various online streaming services is hard. Bathing is hard. Answering questions from those inhabiting the same household is hard. Drinking every night is hard. But we do these things not for ourselves, we do these things as a collective, as one, for the greater good. Stay healthy, stay happy. Go Bears.




MITM #161

Sitting here alone on my porch as the dawn breaks and the eager breeze moves over the contours of my skin untangling every hair perking up to greet the sun, enveloping all the nooks and crannies of the hardest to reach untouched crypts and chasms which lie deep within my wonderland, with its sweet and brisk breath, I welcome the air as it bathes my body and cleansizes my soul. Won’t you join me?




MITM #160

With so much uncertainty and panic swirling around, its becoming clearer each day that there’s no place to hide from the sure doom and awful certainty that awaits us mouth-breathing larger-than-normal human beings. So hunker down atop your mountain of TP, dip your face in some weapons grade sanitation cream and sip on a bleach smoothy, its time to ride this thing out.

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MITM #159

Ya gotta enjoy da little tings or else dey will pass ya on by. Like a good cambo sandwich with extra motz on garlic, loaded wit hot peps. Or a king size breaded steak with extra meat, extra motz, on garlic with extra sweet peps. Now dats a nice ting. Ya see its easy to walk tru dis ting we call life wit out even enjoying a double hat dag wrapped in bacon on garlic with hot peps and grilled onions, or maybe even being so blind as to not even noticing the jumbo slice of stuffed za with sausage and mush under neff ya nose. For crips sake take a minute bozo, let your friggin hair down, and enjoy the bounty, cuz ya never no when dis wild ride will come to a screeching halt. - Bill




MITM #158

Full Moon Weekly is a bi-weekly publication which explores in great detail the vast nature, rocky expanse, and pure glory of our most trusted of floating natural satellites, the Moon. Featuring cutting edge editorials from today’s most acclaimed moon-men/women and space aficionados, ground breaking sky-science, as well as any and all things moon related, FMW is a safe haven for all levels of planetary moon lovers.




MITM #157

It hits us like a ton of bricks. Initially questions begin to stir: Who? What? Where? When? And above all else WHY? Why did this happen, and how can we go on? Its the natural human response to loss. We begin to compromise with our higher power and negotiate the level and intensity of our feelings. But alas, we are just mere mortals walking alone in this journey we call life. Those we love grace us with their presence but can leave us in an instant, like the morning dew. However, unlike the dew, their sparkle will continue to shine on forever, in our heats, our souls… our memories. “Heroes come and go, but legends never die” - The Ghost of Babe Ruth




MITM #156

Lots of exciting things are happening here at WVBI. So what better way to showcase all this exciting content then to give a sneak peak at all the excitement in store for your ears come this spring. It sure will be exciting. And knowing the level of excitement each and every one of you will no doubt experience come this spring, we thought it was in ours and your best interest if we quell some of the future excitement by giving you a little taste. You see, if this excitement is not handled and dealt with in a responsible manner, it can cause harm, which can be exciting in another type of dangerous way, but its not the kind of excitement we here at the station like to condone. You dig?




MITM #155

I give and give and give and give… Always doing, doing, doing… Fixing the problems, finding the solutions, looking at the data, analyzing the data, working the data, graphing the data, cleaning up, throwing out the rubbage, constructing large ornamental industrial designs from locally sourced organic materials, sopping up spilled sodas and other miscellaneous liquids which others have tip-toed over. It never seems to end. So… Am I hero you ask? Nay. But dog gone-it, it sure would be nice if I got a little recognition once and a while. Weesh.




MITM #154

It’s the Monsters in the Morning Annual Year End Top 19 of 2019 List of Underappreciated People, Places, and Things of the Year 2019 and Beyond. Essentially its a list of “nouns”. Many of these “nouns” you have heard of, spoken yourself, carried in your hands, swallowed into your tummy or viewed through your own eye(s). Lists… They’re fun.

