MITM #205
Can you believe that it’s football season once again? Truly. Strange how time weaves its wonder in and out of our lives just like the great lumber jack heaves his axe through the air. Chopping and splitting as he clears the way for more concrete masterpieces and domes of glory. Who are we but mere cogs in the great ether of ozone; aimless, wondering, fading away… until finally, we are freed. We are let go of our pit-less fall towards ambiguity and saved by thy pigskin- Reborn by thy goal post and lifted up on wings of fandom to cheer, give high fives, blather, brute, spit, and talk and talk and scream and yell about My Team, Your Team… OUR Team. So rise up you weary wide bodies and rejoice, for its time to take the field once again.
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